Source code for snakemake.deployment.conda

__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"

import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
from snakemake.sourcecache import (
import subprocess
import tempfile
import hashlib
import shutil
import json
from glob import glob
import tarfile
import zipfile
import uuid
from enum import Enum
import threading
import shutil
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from snakemake.exceptions import CreateCondaEnvironmentException, WorkflowError
from snakemake.logging import logger
from snakemake.common import (
from snakemake.deployment import singularity, containerize
from import (
from snakemake_interface_common.utils import lazy_property

[docs] class CondaCleanupMode(Enum): tarballs = "tarballs" cache = "cache" def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] class Env: """Conda environment from a given specification file."""
[docs] def __init__( self, workflow, env_file=None, env_name=None, env_dir=None, container_img=None, cleanup=None, ): self.file = env_file if env_file is not None: self.file = infer_source_file(env_file) = env_name if env_name is not None: assert env_file is None, "bug: both env_file and env_name specified" self.frontend = workflow.deployment_settings.conda_frontend self.workflow = workflow self._container_img = container_img self._env_dir = env_dir or ( containerize.CONDA_ENV_PATH if self.is_containerized else workflow.persistence.conda_env_path ) self._hash = None self._content_hash = None self._content = None self._content_deploy = None self._content_pin = None self._path = None self._archive_file = None self._cleanup = cleanup self._singularity_args = workflow.deployment_settings.apptainer_args
@lazy_property def conda(self): return Conda( container_img=self._container_img, frontend=self.frontend, check=True ) @lazy_property def pin_file(self): pin_file = Path(self.file.get_path_or_uri()).with_suffix( f".{self.conda.platform}.pin.txt" ) if pin_file.exists(): return infer_source_file(pin_file) else: return None @lazy_property def post_deploy_file(self): if self.file: deploy_file = Path(self.file.get_path_or_uri()).with_suffix( "" ) if deploy_file.exists(): return infer_source_file(deploy_file) def _get_content(self): if self.is_named: from import shell content = shell.check_output( f"conda env export {self.address_argument}", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, ) return content.encode() else: return, "rb").read() def _get_content_deploy(self): self.check_is_file_based() if self.post_deploy_file: return, "rb").read() return None def _get_content_pin(self): self.check_is_file_based() if self.pin_file: return, "rb").read() return None @property def _env_archive_dir(self): return self.workflow.persistence.conda_env_archive_path @property def container_img_url(self): return self._container_img.url if self._container_img else None @property def content(self): if self._content is None: self._content = self._get_content() return self._content @property def content_deploy(self): if self._content_deploy is None: self._content_deploy = self._get_content_deploy() return self._content_deploy @property def content_pin(self): if self._content_pin is None: self._content_pin = self._get_content_pin() return self._content_pin @property def hash(self): if self._hash is None: if self.is_containerized: self._hash = self.content_hash else: md5hash = hashlib.md5() # Include the absolute path of the target env dir into the hash. # By this, moving the working directory around automatically # invalidates all environments. This is necessary, because binaries # in conda environments can contain hardcoded absolute RPATHs. env_dir = os.path.realpath(self._env_dir) md5hash.update(env_dir.encode()) if self._container_img: md5hash.update(self._container_img.url.encode()) content_deploy = self.content_deploy if content_deploy: md5hash.update(content_deploy) md5hash.update(self.content) self._hash = md5hash.hexdigest() return self._hash @property def content_hash(self): if self._content_hash is None: md5hash = hashlib.md5() md5hash.update(self.content) content_deploy = self.content_deploy if content_deploy: md5hash.update(content_deploy) self._content_hash = md5hash.hexdigest() return self._content_hash @property def is_containerized(self): if not self._container_img: return False return self._container_img.is_containerized @property def is_named(self): return self.file is None def check_is_file_based(self): assert ( self.file is not None ), "bug: trying to access conda env file based functionality for named environment" @property def address(self): """Path to directory of the conda environment. First tries full hash, if it does not exist, (8-prefix) is used as default. """ if self.is_named: return else: hash = self.hash env_dir = self._env_dir get_path = lambda h: os.path.join(env_dir, h) hash_candidates = [ hash[:8], hash, hash + "_", # activate no-shortcuts behavior (so that no admin rights are needed on win) ] # [0] is the old fallback hash (shortened) exists = [os.path.exists(get_path(h)) for h in hash_candidates] if self.is_containerized: return get_path(hash_candidates[1]) for candidate, candidate_exists in zip(hash_candidates, exists): if candidate_exists or candidate == hash_candidates[-1]: # exists or it is the last (i.e. the desired one) return get_path(candidate) @property def address_argument(self): if self.is_named: return f"--name '{self.address}'" else: return f"--prefix '{self.address}'" @property def archive_file(self): """Path to archive of the conda environment, which may or may not exist.""" if self._archive_file is None: self._archive_file = os.path.join(self._env_archive_dir, self.content_hash) return self._archive_file def create_archive(self): """Create self-contained archive of environment.""" from import shell # importing requests locally because it interferes with instantiating conda environments import requests self.check_is_file_based() env_archive = self.archive_file if os.path.exists(env_archive): return env_archive try: # Download "Downloading packages for conda environment {}...".format( self.file.get_path_or_uri() ) ) os.makedirs(env_archive, exist_ok=True) try: out = shell.check_output( f"conda list --explicit {self.address_argument}", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, ) logger.debug(out) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise WorkflowError("Error exporting conda packages:\n" + e.output) with open(os.path.join(env_archive, "packages.txt"), "w") as pkg_list: for l in out.split("\n"): if l and not l.startswith("#") and not l.startswith("@"): pkg_url = l parsed = parse_uri(pkg_url) pkg_name = os.path.basename(parsed.uri_path) # write package name to list print(pkg_name, file=pkg_list) # download package pkg_path = os.path.join(env_archive, pkg_name) with open(pkg_path, "wb") as copy: r = requests.get(pkg_url) r.raise_for_status() copy.write(r.content) try: if pkg_path.endswith(".conda"): assert zipfile.ZipFile(pkg_path).testzip() is None else: except: raise WorkflowError( f"Package is invalid tar/zip archive: {pkg_url}" ) except ( requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, ) as e: shutil.rmtree(env_archive) raise WorkflowError(f"Error downloading conda package {pkg_url}.") except BaseException as e: shutil.rmtree(env_archive) raise e return env_archive def execute_deployment_script(self, env_file, deploy_file): """Execute post-deployment script if present""" from import shell if ON_WINDOWS: raise WorkflowError( "Post deploy script {} provided for conda env {} but unsupported on windows.".format( deploy_file, env_file ) ) "Running post-deploy script {}...".format( os.path.relpath(path=deploy_file, start=os.getcwd()) ) ) # Determine interpreter from shebang or use sh as default. interpreter = "sh" with open(deploy_file, "r") as f: first_line = next(iter(f)) if first_line.startswith("#!"): interpreter = first_line[2:].strip() shell.check_output( self.conda.shellcmd(self.address, f"{interpreter} {deploy_file}"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, ) def create(self, dryrun=False): """Create the conda environment.""" from import shell self.check_is_file_based() # Read env file and create hash. env_file = self.file deploy_file = None pin_file = None tmp_env_file = None tmp_deploy_file = None tmp_pin_file = None if not isinstance(env_file, LocalSourceFile) or isinstance( env_file, LocalGitFile ): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".yaml") as tmp: # write to temp file such that conda can open it tmp.write(self.content) env_file = tmp_env_file = if self.post_deploy_file: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, suffix="" ) as tmp: # write to temp file such that conda can open it tmp.write(self.content_deploy) deploy_file = tmp_deploy_file = if self.pin_file: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix="pin.txt") as tmp: tmp.write(self.content_pin) pin_file = tmp_pin_file = else: env_file = env_file.get_path_or_uri() deploy_file = self.post_deploy_file pin_file = self.pin_file env_path = self.address if self.is_containerized: if not dryrun: try: shell.check_output( singularity.shellcmd( self._container_img.path, f"[ -d '{env_path}' ]", args=self._singularity_args, envvars=self.get_singularity_envvars(), quiet=True, ), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise WorkflowError( "Unable to find environment in container image. " "Maybe a conda environment was modified without containerizing again " "(see snakemake --containerize)?\nDetails:\n{}\n{}".format( e, e.stderr ) ) return env_path else: # env should be present in the container return env_path # Check for broken environment if os.path.exists( os.path.join(env_path, "env_setup_start") ) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(env_path, "env_setup_done")): if dryrun: "Incomplete Conda environment {} will be recreated.".format( self.file.simplify_path() ) ) else: "Removing incomplete Conda environment {}...".format( self.file.simplify_path() ) ) shutil.rmtree(env_path, ignore_errors=True) # Create environment if not already present. if not os.path.exists(env_path): if dryrun: "Conda environment {} will be created.".format( self.file.simplify_path() ) ) return env_path"Creating conda environment {self.file.simplify_path()}...") env_archive = self.archive_file try: # Touch "start" flag file os.makedirs(env_path, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(env_path, "env_setup_start"), "a") as f: pass # Check if env archive exists. Use that if present. if os.path.exists(env_archive):"Installing archived conda packages.") pkg_list = os.path.join(env_archive, "packages.txt") if os.path.exists(pkg_list): # read packages in correct order # this is for newer env archives where the package list # was stored packages = [ os.path.join(env_archive, pkg.rstrip()) for pkg in open(pkg_list) ] else: # guess order packages = glob(os.path.join(env_archive, "*.tar.bz2")) # install packages manually from env archive cmd = " ".join( [ "conda", "create", "--quiet", "--no-shortcuts" if ON_WINDOWS else "", "--yes", "--no-default-packages", f"--prefix '{env_path}'", ] + packages ) if self._container_img: cmd = singularity.shellcmd( self._container_img.path, cmd, args=self._singularity_args, envvars=self.get_singularity_envvars(), ) out = shell.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True) else: def create_env(env_file, filetype="yaml"): # Copy env file to env_path (because they can be on # different volumes and singularity should only mount one). # In addition, this allows to immediately see what an # environment in .snakemake/conda contains. target_env_file = env_path + f".{filetype}" shutil.copy(env_file, target_env_file)"Downloading and installing remote packages.") strict_priority = ( ["conda config --set channel_priority strict &&"] if self._container_img else [] ) subcommand = [self.frontend] yes_flag = ["--yes"] if filetype == "yaml": subcommand.append("env") yes_flag = [] cmd = ( strict_priority + subcommand + [ "create", "--quiet", "--no-default-packages", f'--file "{target_env_file}"', f'--prefix "{env_path}"', ] + yes_flag ) cmd = " ".join(cmd) if self._container_img: cmd = singularity.shellcmd( self._container_img.path, cmd, args=self._singularity_args, envvars=self.get_singularity_envvars(), ) out = shell.check_output( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True ) # cleanup if requested if self._cleanup is CondaCleanupMode.tarballs:"Cleaning up conda package tarballs.") shell.check_output("conda clean -y --tarballs", text=True) elif self._cleanup is CondaCleanupMode.cache: "Cleaning up conda package tarballs and package cache." ) shell.check_output( "conda clean -y --tarballs --packages", text=True ) return out if pin_file is not None: try: f"Using pinnings from {self.pin_file.get_path_or_uri()}." ) out = create_env(pin_file, filetype="pin.txt") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # remove potential partially installed environment shutil.rmtree(env_path, ignore_errors=True) advice = "" if isinstance(self.file, LocalSourceFile): advice = ( " If that works, make sure to update the pin file with " f"'snakedeploy pin-conda-env {self.file.get_path_or_uri()}'." ) logger.warning( f"Failed to install conda environment from pin file ({self.pin_file.get_path_or_uri()}). " f"Trying regular environment definition file.{advice}" ) out = create_env(env_file, filetype="yaml") else: out = create_env(env_file, filetype="yaml") # Execute post-deplay script if present if deploy_file: target_deploy_file = env_path + "" shutil.copy(deploy_file, target_deploy_file) self.execute_deployment_script(env_file, target_deploy_file) # Touch "done" flag file with open(os.path.join(env_path, "env_setup_done"), "a") as f: pass logger.debug(out) f"Environment for {self.file.get_path_or_uri()} created (location: {os.path.relpath(env_path)})" ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # remove potential partially installed environment shutil.rmtree(env_path, ignore_errors=True) raise CreateCondaEnvironmentException( f"Could not create conda environment from {env_file}:\nCommand:\n{e.cmd}\nOutput:\n{e.output}" ) if tmp_env_file: # temporary file was created os.remove(tmp_env_file) if tmp_deploy_file: os.remove(tmp_deploy_file) return env_path @classmethod def get_singularity_envvars(self): return {"CONDA_PKGS_DIRS": f"/tmp/conda/{uuid.uuid4()}"} def __hash__(self): # this hash is only for object comparison, not for env paths if self.is_named: return hash( else: return hash(self.file) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Env): if self.is_named: return == else: return self.file == other.file return False
[docs] class Conda: instances = dict() lock = threading.Lock() def __new__(cls, container_img=None, prefix_path=None, frontend=None, check=False): with cls.lock: if container_img not in cls.instances: inst = super().__new__(cls) cls.instances[container_img] = inst return inst else: return cls.instances[container_img]
[docs] def __init__( self, container_img=None, prefix_path=None, frontend=None, check=False ): if not self.is_initialized: # avoid superfluous init calls from snakemake.deployment import singularity from import shell if isinstance(container_img, singularity.Image): container_img = container_img.path self.container_img = container_img self.frontend = frontend = json.loads( shell.check_output(self._get_cmd("conda info --json"), text=True) ) if prefix_path is None or container_img is not None: self.prefix_path =["conda_prefix"] else: self.prefix_path = prefix_path self.platform =["platform"] # check conda installation if check: if frontend is None: raise ValueError("Frontend must be specified if check is True.") self._check()
@property def is_initialized(self): return hasattr(self, "prefix_path") def _get_cmd(self, cmd): if self.container_img: return singularity.shellcmd(self.container_img, cmd, quiet=True) return cmd def _check(self): from import shell frontends = ["conda"] if self.frontend == "mamba": frontends = ["mamba", "conda"] for frontend in frontends: # Use type here since conda now is a function. # type allows to check for both functions and regular commands. if not ON_WINDOWS or shell.get_executable(): locate_cmd = f"type {frontend}" else: locate_cmd = f"where {frontend}" try: shell.check_output( self._get_cmd(locate_cmd), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if self.container_img: msg = ( f"The '{frontend}' command is not " "available inside " "your singularity container " "image. Snakemake mounts " "your conda installation " "into singularity. " "Sometimes, this can fail " "because of shell restrictions. " "It has been tested to work " "with docker://ubuntu, but " "it e.g. fails with " "docker://bash " ) else: msg = ( f"The '{frontend}' command is not " "available in the " f"shell {shell.get_executable()} that will be " "used by Snakemake. You have " "to ensure that it is in your " "PATH, e.g., first activating " "the conda base environment " "with `conda activate base`." ) if frontend == "mamba": msg += ( "The mamba package manager ( is a " "fast and robust conda replacement. " "It is the recommended way of using Snakemake's conda integration. " "It can be installed with `conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba`. " "If you still prefer to use conda, you can enforce that by setting " "`--conda-frontend conda`." ) raise CreateCondaEnvironmentException(msg) try: self._check_version() self._check_condarc() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise CreateCondaEnvironmentException( "Unable to check conda installation:\n" + e.stderr.decode() ) def _check_version(self): from import shell from packaging.version import Version version = shell.check_output( self._get_cmd("conda --version"), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) version_matches = re.findall(r"\d+.\d+.\d+", version) if len(version_matches) != 1: raise WorkflowError( f"Unable to determine conda version. 'conda --version' returned {version}" ) else: version = version_matches[0] if Version(version) < Version("4.2"): raise CreateCondaEnvironmentException( f"Conda must be version 4.2 or later, found version {version}." ) def _check_condarc(self): if self.container_img: # Do not check for strict priorities when running conda in an image # Instead, we set priorities to strict ourselves in the image. return from import shell res = json.loads( shell.check_output( self._get_cmd("conda config --get channel_priority --json"), text=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) ) if res["get"].get("channel_priority") != "strict": logger.warning( "Your conda installation is not configured to use strict channel priorities. " "This is however crucial for having robust and correct environments (for details, " "see " "Please consider to configure strict priorities by executing 'conda config --set channel_priority strict'." ) def bin_path(self): if ON_WINDOWS: return os.path.join(self.prefix_path, "Scripts") else: return os.path.join(self.prefix_path, "bin") def shellcmd(self, env_address, cmd): # get path to activate script activate = os.path.join(self.bin_path(), "activate") if ON_WINDOWS: activate = activate.replace("\\", "/") env_address = env_address.replace("\\", "/") return f"source {activate} '{env_address}'; {cmd}" def shellcmd_win(self, env_address, cmd): """Prepend the windows activate bat script.""" # get path to activate script activate = os.path.join(self.bin_path(), "activate.bat").replace("\\", "/") env_address = env_address.replace("\\", "/") return f'"{activate}" "{env_address}"&&{cmd}'
[docs] def is_mamba_available(): return shutil.which("mamba") is not None
[docs] class CondaEnvSpec(ABC): @abstractmethod def apply_wildcards(self, wildcards): ... @abstractmethod def get_conda_env(self, workflow, env_dir=None, container_img=None, cleanup=None): ... @abstractmethod def check(self): ... @property def is_file(self): return False @property @abstractmethod def contains_wildcard(self): ... @abstractmethod def __hash__(self): ... @abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): ...
[docs] class CondaEnvFileSpec(CondaEnvSpec):
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, rule=None): if isinstance(filepath, SourceFile): self.file = IOFile(str(filepath.get_path_or_uri()), rule=rule) elif isinstance(filepath, _IOFile): self.file = filepath else: self.file = IOFile(filepath, rule=rule)
def apply_wildcards(self, wildcards, rule): filepath = self.file.apply_wildcards(wildcards) if is_local_file(filepath): # Normalize 'file:///my/path.yml' to '/my/path.yml' filepath = parse_uri(filepath).uri_path return CondaEnvFileSpec(filepath, rule) def check(self): self.file.check() def get_conda_env(self, workflow, env_dir=None, container_img=None, cleanup=None): return Env( workflow, env_file=self.file, env_dir=env_dir, container_img=container_img, cleanup=cleanup, ) @property def is_file(self): return True @property def contains_wildcard(self): return contains_wildcard(self.file) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.file) def __eq__(self, other): return self.file == other.file
[docs] class CondaEnvNameSpec(CondaEnvSpec):
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str): = name
def apply_wildcards(self, wildcards, _): return CondaEnvNameSpec(apply_wildcards(, wildcards)) def get_conda_env(self, workflow, env_dir=None, container_img=None, cleanup=None): return Env( workflow,, env_dir=env_dir, container_img=container_img, cleanup=cleanup, ) def check(self): # not a file, nothing to check here pass @property def contains_wildcard(self): return contains_wildcard( def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): return ==
[docs] def is_conda_env_file(spec): if isinstance(spec, SourceFile): spec = spec.get_filename() return spec.endswith(".yaml") or spec.endswith(".yml")