Source code for snakemake.rules

__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"

import copy
import os
import types
import typing
from snakemake.path_modifier import PATH_MODIFIER_FLAG
import collections
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import chain
from functools import partial

    import re._constants as sre_constants
except ImportError:  # python < 3.11
    import sre_constants

from snakemake_interface_executor_plugins.settings import ExecMode

from import (
from snakemake.exceptions import (
from snakemake.logging import logger
from snakemake.common import (
from snakemake.common.tbdstring import TBDString
from snakemake.resources import infer_resources
from snakemake_interface_common.utils import not_iterable, lazy_property
from snakemake_interface_common.rules import RuleInterface

[docs] class Rule(RuleInterface):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, workflow, lineno=None, snakefile=None): """ Create a rule Arguments name -- the name of the rule """ self._name = name self.workflow = workflow self.docstring = None self.message = None self._input = InputFiles() self._output = OutputFiles() self._params = Params() self._wildcard_constraints = dict() self.dependencies = dict() self.temp_output = set() self.protected_output = set() self.touch_output = set() self.shadow_depth = None self.resources = None self.priority = 0 self._log = Log() self._benchmark = None self._conda_env = None self._container_img = None self.is_containerized = False self.env_modules = None self._group = None self._wildcard_names = None self._lineno = lineno self._snakefile = snakefile self.run_func = None self.shellcmd = None self.script = None self.notebook = None self.wrapper = None self.template_engine = None self.cwl = None self.norun = False self.is_handover = False self.is_checkpoint = False self._restart_times = 0 self.basedir = None self.input_modifier = None self.output_modifier = None self.log_modifier = None self.benchmark_modifier = None self.ruleinfo = None self.module_globals = None
@property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @property def lineno(self): return self._lineno @property def snakefile(self): return self._snakefile @property def restart_times(self): if self.workflow.remote_execution_settings.preemptible_rules.is_preemptible( ): return self.workflow.remote_execution_settings.preemptible_retries if self._restart_times is None: return self.workflow.execution_settings.retries return self._restart_times @restart_times.setter def restart_times(self, restart_times): self._restart_times = restart_times @property def group(self): if self.workflow.local_exec: return None else: overwrite_group = self.workflow.group_settings.overwrite_groups.get( ) if overwrite_group is not None: return overwrite_group return self._group @group.setter def group(self, group): self._group = group @property def is_shell(self): return self.shellcmd is not None @property def is_script(self): return self.script is not None @property def is_notebook(self): return self.notebook is not None @property def is_wrapper(self): return self.wrapper is not None @property def is_template_engine(self): return self.template_engine is not None @property def is_cwl(self): return self.cwl is not None @property def is_run(self): return not ( self.is_shell or self.norun or self.is_script or self.is_notebook or self.is_wrapper or self.is_cwl ) def check_caching(self): if self.workflow.cache_rules.get( if len(self.output) == 0: raise RuleException( "Rules without output files cannot be cached.", rule=self ) if len(self.output) > 1: prefixes = set(out.multiext_prefix for out in self.output) if None in prefixes or len(prefixes) > 1: raise RuleException( "Rules marked as eligible for caching that have with multiple " "output files must define them as a single multiext() " '(e.g. multiext("path/to/index", ".bwt", ".ann")). ' "The rationale is that multiple output files can only be unambiously resolved " "if they can be distinguished by a fixed set of extensions (i.e. mime types).", rule=self, ) def has_wildcards(self): """ Return True if rule contains wildcards. """ return bool(self.wildcard_names) @property def benchmark(self): return self._benchmark @benchmark.setter def benchmark(self, benchmark): if isinstance(benchmark, Path): benchmark = str(benchmark) if not callable(benchmark): benchmark = self.apply_path_modifier( benchmark, self.benchmark_modifier, property="benchmark" ) benchmark = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(benchmark) self._benchmark = IOFile(benchmark, rule=self) self.register_wildcards(self._benchmark.get_wildcard_names()) @property def conda_env(self): return self._conda_env @conda_env.setter def conda_env(self, conda_env): self._conda_env = conda_env @property def container_img(self): return self._container_img @container_img.setter def container_img(self, container_img): self._container_img = container_img @property def input(self): return self._input def set_input(self, *input, **kwinput): """ Add a list of input files. Recursive lists are flattened. Arguments input -- the list of input files """ for item in input: self._set_inoutput_item(item) for name, item in kwinput.items(): self._set_inoutput_item(item, name=name) @property def output(self): return self._output def products(self, include_logfiles=True): products = [self.output] if include_logfiles: products.append(self.log) if self.benchmark: products.append([self.benchmark]) return chain(*products) def get_some_product(self): for product in self.products(): return product return None def has_products(self): return self.get_some_product() is not None def register_wildcards(self, wildcard_names): if self._wildcard_names is None: self._wildcard_names = wildcard_names else: if self.wildcard_names != wildcard_names: raise SyntaxError( "Not all output, log and benchmark files of " "rule {} contain the same wildcards. " "This is crucial though, in order to " "avoid that two or more jobs write to the " "same file.".format( ) @property def wildcard_names(self): if self._wildcard_names is None: return set() return self._wildcard_names def set_output(self, *output, **kwoutput): """ Add a list of output files. Recursive lists are flattened. After creating the output files, they are checked for duplicates. Arguments output -- the list of output files """ for item in output: self._set_inoutput_item(item, output=True) for name, item in kwoutput.items(): self._set_inoutput_item(item, output=True, name=name) for item in self.output: self.register_wildcards(item.get_wildcard_names()) # Check output file name list for duplicates self.check_output_duplicates() self.check_caching() def check_output_duplicates(self): """Check ``Namedlist`` for duplicate entries and raise a ``WorkflowError`` on problems. Does not raise if the entry is empty. """ seen = dict() idx = None for name, value in self.output._allitems(): if name is None: if idx is None: idx = 0 else: idx += 1 if value and value in seen: raise WorkflowError( "Duplicate output file pattern in rule {}. First two " "duplicate for entries {} and {}.".format(, seen[value], name or idx ) ) seen[value] = name or idx def apply_path_modifier(self, item, path_modifier, property=None): assert path_modifier is not None apply = partial(path_modifier.modify, property=property) assert not callable(item) if isinstance(item, dict): return {k: apply(v) for k, v in item.items()} elif isinstance(item, and not isinstance(item, str): return [apply(e) for e in item] else: return apply(item) def update_wildcard_constraints(self): for i in range(len(self.output)): item = self.output[i] newitem = None if item.is_storage: storage_object = copy.copy(item.storage_object) storage_object.query = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints( storage_object.query ) newitem = IOFile(storage_object.local_path(), rule=self) newitem.clone_flags(item, skip_storage_object=True) newitem.flags["storage_object"] = storage_object else: newitem = IOFile( self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(self.output[i]), rule=self ) newitem.clone_flags(item) self.output[i] = newitem def _update_item_wildcard_constraints(self, item): if not (self.wildcard_constraints or self.workflow.wildcard_constraints): return item try: return update_wildcard_constraints( item, self.wildcard_constraints, self.workflow.wildcard_constraints ) except ValueError as e: raise WorkflowError(e, snakefile=self.snakefile, lineno=self.lineno) def _set_inoutput_item(self, item, output=False, name=None): """ Set an item to be input or output. Arguments item -- the item inoutput -- a Namedlist of either input or output items name -- an optional name for the item """ inoutput = self.output if output else self.input # Check to see if the item is a path, if so, just make it a string if isinstance(item, Path): item = str(item.as_posix()) if isinstance(item, str): if ON_WINDOWS: if isinstance(item, (_IOFile, AnnotatedString)): item = item.new_from(item.replace(os.sep, os.altsep)) else: item = item.replace(os.sep, os.altsep) rule_dependency = None if isinstance(item, _IOFile) and item.rule and item in item.rule.output: rule_dependency = item.rule if output: path_modifier = self.output_modifier property = "output" else: path_modifier = self.input_modifier property = "input" item = self.apply_path_modifier(item, path_modifier, property=property) # Check to see that all flags are valid # Note that "storage", and "expand" are valid for both inputs and outputs. if isinstance(item, AnnotatedString): for item_flag in item.flags: if not output and item_flag in [ "protected", "temp", "temporary", "directory", "touch", "pipe", "service", "ensure", "update", ]: logger.warning( "The flag '{}' used in rule {} is only valid for outputs, not inputs.".format( item_flag, self ) ) if output and item_flag in ["ancient", "before_update"]: logger.warning( "The flag '{}' used in rule {} is only valid for inputs, not outputs.".format( item_flag, self ) ) # add the rule to the dependencies if rule_dependency is not None: self.dependencies[item] = rule_dependency if output: item = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(item) else: if ( contains_wildcard_constraints(item) and self.workflow.exec_mode != ExecMode.SUBPROCESS ): logger.warning( "Wildcard constraints in inputs are ignored. (rule: {})".format( self ) ) if self.workflow.storage_settings.all_temp and output: # mark as temp if all output files shall be marked as temp item = flag(item, "temp") # record rule if this is an output file output _item = IOFile(item, rule=self) if is_flagged(item, "temp"): if output: self.temp_output.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "protected"): if output: self.protected_output.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "touch"): if output: self.touch_output.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "report"): report_obj = item.flags["report"] if report_obj.caption is not None: r = ReportObject( self.workflow.current_basedir.join(report_obj.caption), report_obj.category, report_obj.subcategory, report_obj.labels, report_obj.patterns, report_obj.htmlindex, ) item.flags["report"] = r inoutput.append(_item) if name: inoutput._add_name(name) elif callable(item): if output: raise SyntaxError("Only input files can be specified as functions") inoutput.append(item) if name: inoutput._add_name(name) else: try: start = len(inoutput) for i in item: self._set_inoutput_item(i, output=output) if name: # if the list was named, make it accessible inoutput._set_name(name, start, end=len(inoutput)) except TypeError: raise SyntaxError( "Input and output files have to be specified as strings or lists of strings." ) @property def params(self): return self._params def set_params(self, *params, **kwparams): for item in params: self._set_params_item(item) for name, item in kwparams.items(): self._set_params_item(item, name=name) def _set_params_item(self, item, name=None): self.params.append(item) if name: self.params._add_name(name) @property def wildcard_constraints(self): return self._wildcard_constraints def set_wildcard_constraints(self, **kwwildcard_constraints): self._wildcard_constraints.update(kwwildcard_constraints) @property def log(self): return self._log def set_log(self, *logs, **kwlogs): for item in logs: self._set_log_item(item) for name, item in kwlogs.items(): self._set_log_item(item, name=name) for item in self.log: self.register_wildcards(item.get_wildcard_names()) def _set_log_item(self, item, name=None): # Pathlib compatibility if isinstance(item, Path): item = str(item) if isinstance(item, str) or callable(item): if not callable(item): item = self.apply_path_modifier(item, self.log_modifier, property="log") item = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(item) self.log.append(IOFile(item, rule=self) if isinstance(item, str) else item) if name: self.log._add_name(name) else: try: start = len(self.log) for i in item: self._set_log_item(i) if name: self.log._set_name(name, start, end=len(self.log)) except TypeError: raise SyntaxError("Log files have to be specified as strings.") def check_wildcards(self, wildcards): missing_wildcards = self.wildcard_names - set(wildcards.keys()) if missing_wildcards: raise RuleException( "Could not resolve wildcards:\n{}".format( "\n".join(self.wildcard_names) ), lineno=self.lineno, snakefile=self.snakefile, ) def apply_input_function( self, func, wildcards, incomplete_checkpoint_func=lambda e: None, raw_exceptions=False, groupid=None, **aux_params, ): if isinstance(func, _IOFile): func = func._file.callable elif isinstance(func, AnnotatedString): func = func.callable if "groupid" in get_function_params(func): if groupid is not None: aux_params["groupid"] = groupid else: # Return empty list of files and incomplete marker # the job will be reevaluated once groupids have been determined return [], True _aux_params = get_input_function_aux_params(func, aux_params) # call any callables in _aux_params # This way, we enable to delay the evaluation of expensive # aux params until they are actually needed. for name, value in list(_aux_params.items()): if callable(value): _aux_params[name] = value() wildcards_arg = Wildcards(fromdict=wildcards) def apply_func(func): incomplete = False try: value = func(wildcards_arg, **_aux_params) if isinstance(value, types.GeneratorType): # generators should be immediately collected here, # otherwise we would miss any exceptions and # would have to capture them again later. value = list(value) except IncompleteCheckpointException as e: value = incomplete_checkpoint_func(e) incomplete = True except Exception as e: if "input" in aux_params and is_file_not_found_error( e, aux_params["input"] ): # Function evaluation can depend on input files. Since expansion can happen during dryrun, # where input files are not yet present, we need to skip such cases and # mark them as <TBD>. value = TBDString() elif raw_exceptions: raise e else: raise InputFunctionException(e, rule=self, wildcards=wildcards) return value, incomplete res = func tries = 0 while (callable(res) or tries == 0) and tries < 10: res, incomplete = apply_func(res) tries += 1 if tries == 10: raise WorkflowError( "Evaluated 10 nested input functions (i.e. input functions that " "themselves return an input function.). More than 10 such nested " "evaluations are not allowed. Does the workflow accidentally return a " "function instead of calling it in the input function?", rule=self, ) return res, incomplete def _apply_wildcards( self, newitems, olditems, wildcards, concretize=None, check_return_type=True, omit_callable=False, mapping=None, no_flattening=False, aux_params=None, path_modifier=None, property=None, incomplete_checkpoint_func=lambda e: None, allow_unpack=True, groupid=None, ): incomplete = False if aux_params is None: aux_params = dict() for name, item in olditems._allitems(): olditem = item start = len(newitems) is_unpack = is_flagged(item, "unpack") _is_callable = is_callable(item) if _is_callable: if omit_callable: continue item, incomplete = self.apply_input_function( item, wildcards, incomplete_checkpoint_func=incomplete_checkpoint_func, is_unpack=is_unpack, groupid=groupid, **aux_params, ) if is_unpack and not incomplete: if not allow_unpack: raise WorkflowError( "unpack() is not allowed with params. " "Simply return a dictionary which can be directly ." "used, e.g. via {params[mykey]}.", rule=self, ) # Sanity checks before interpreting unpack() if not isinstance(item, (list, dict)): raise WorkflowError( f"Can only use unpack() on list and dict, but {item} was returned.", rule=self, ) if name: raise WorkflowError( f"Cannot combine named input file (name {name}) with unpack()", rule=self, ) # Allow streamlined code with/without unpack if isinstance(item, list): pairs = zip([None] * len(item), item, [_is_callable] * len(item)) else: assert isinstance(item, dict) pairs = [(name, item, _is_callable) for name, item in item.items()] else: pairs = [(name, item, _is_callable)] for name, item, from_callable in pairs: is_iterable = True if not_iterable(item) or no_flattening: item = [item] is_iterable = False for item_ in item: if ( check_return_type and not isinstance(item_, str) and not isinstance(item_, Path) ): raise WorkflowError( f"Function did not return str or iterable of str. Encountered: {item} ({type(item)})", rule=self, ) if from_callable and path_modifier is not None and not incomplete: item_ = self.apply_path_modifier( item_, path_modifier, property=property ) concrete = concretize(item_, wildcards, _is_callable) newitems.append(concrete) if mapping is not None: mapping[concrete] = olditem if name: newitems._set_name( name, start, end=len(newitems) if is_iterable else None ) start = len(newitems) return incomplete def expand_input(self, wildcards, groupid=None): def concretize_iofile(f, wildcards, is_from_callable): if is_from_callable: if isinstance(f, Path): f = str(f) return IOFile(f, rule=self).apply_wildcards(wildcards) else: return f.apply_wildcards(wildcards) def handle_incomplete_checkpoint(exception): """If checkpoint is incomplete, target it such that it is completed before this rule gets executed.""" return exception.targetfile input = InputFiles() mapping = dict() try: incomplete = self._apply_wildcards( input, self.input, wildcards, concretize=concretize_iofile, mapping=mapping, incomplete_checkpoint_func=handle_incomplete_checkpoint, path_modifier=self.input_modifier, property="input", groupid=groupid, ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) if self.dependencies: dependencies = { f: self.dependencies[f_] for f, f_ in mapping.items() if f_ in self.dependencies } if None in self.dependencies: dependencies[None] = self.dependencies[None] else: dependencies = self.dependencies for f in input: f.check() return input, mapping, dependencies, incomplete def expand_params(self, wildcards, input, output, job, omit_callable=False): def concretize_param(p, wildcards, is_from_callable): if not is_from_callable: if isinstance(p, str): return apply_wildcards(p, wildcards) if isinstance(p, list): return [ (apply_wildcards(v, wildcards) if isinstance(v, str) else v) for v in p ] return p def handle_incomplete_checkpoint(exception): """If checkpoint is incomplete, target it such that it is completed before this rule gets executed.""" if exception.targetfile in input: return TBDString() else: raise WorkflowError( "Rule parameter depends on checkpoint but checkpoint output is not defined as input file for the rule. " "Please add the output of the respective checkpoint to the rule inputs." ) # We make sure that resources are only evaluated if a param function # actually needs them by turning them into callables and delegating their # evaluation to a later stage that only happens if the param function # requests access to resources or threads. resources = lambda: job.resources threads = lambda: job.resources._cores params = Params() try: # When applying wildcards to params, the return type need not be # a string, so the check is disabled. self._apply_wildcards( params, self.params, wildcards, concretize=concretize_param, check_return_type=False, omit_callable=omit_callable, allow_unpack=False, no_flattening=True, property="params", aux_params={ "input": input._plainstrings(), "resources": resources, "output": output._plainstrings(), "threads": threads, }, incomplete_checkpoint_func=handle_incomplete_checkpoint, ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in params cannot be " "determined from output files. Note that you have " "to use a function to deactivate automatic wildcard expansion " "in params strings, e.g., `lambda wildcards: '{test}'`. Also " "see" "rules.html#non-file-parameters-for-rules:", str(e), rule=self, ) return params def expand_output(self, wildcards): output = OutputFiles(o.apply_wildcards(wildcards) for o in self.output) output._take_names(self.output._get_names()) mapping = {f: f_ for f, f_ in zip(output, self.output)} for f in output: f.check() # Note that we do not need to check for duplicate file names after # expansion as all output patterns have contain all wildcards anyway. return output, mapping def expand_log(self, wildcards): def concretize_logfile(f, wildcards, is_from_callable): if is_from_callable: return IOFile(f, rule=self) else: return f.apply_wildcards(wildcards) log = Log() try: self._apply_wildcards( log, self.log, wildcards, concretize=concretize_logfile, path_modifier=self.log_modifier, property="log", ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in log files cannot be determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) for f in log: f.check() return log def expand_benchmark(self, wildcards): try: benchmark = ( self.benchmark.apply_wildcards(wildcards) if self.benchmark else None ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in benchmark file cannot be " "determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) if benchmark is not None: benchmark.check() return benchmark def expand_resources( self, wildcards, input, attempt, skip_evaluation: typing.Optional[set] = None ): resources = dict() def apply(name, res, threads=None): if skip_evaluation is not None and name in skip_evaluation: res = TBDString() else: if isinstance(res, AnnotatedString) and res.callable: res = res.callable if callable(res): aux = dict( if threads is not None: aux["threads"] = threads try: res, _ = self.apply_input_function( res, wildcards, input=input, attempt=attempt, incomplete_checkpoint_func=lambda e: 0, raw_exceptions=True, **aux, ) except BaseException as e: raise InputFunctionException(e, rule=self, wildcards=wildcards) if isinstance(res, float): # round to integer res = int(round(res)) if ( not isinstance(res, int) and not isinstance(res, str) and res is not None ): raise WorkflowError( f"Resource {name} is neither int, float(would be rounded to nearest int), str, or None.", rule=self, ) global_res = self.workflow.global_resources.get(name) if global_res is not None and res is not None: if not isinstance(res, TBDString) and type(res) != type(global_res): global_type = ( "an int" if isinstance(global_res, int) else type(global_res) ) raise WorkflowError( f"Resource {name} is of type {type(res).__name__} but global resource constraint " f"defines {global_type} with value {global_res}. " "Resources with the same name need to have the same types (int, float, or str are allowed).", rule=self, ) if isinstance(res, int): res = min(global_res, res) return res threads = apply("_cores", self.resources["_cores"]) if threads is None: raise WorkflowError("Threads must be given as an int", rule=self) if self.workflow.resource_settings.max_threads is not None and not isinstance( threads, TBDString ): threads = min(threads, self.workflow.resource_settings.max_threads) resources["_cores"] = threads for name, res in list(self.resources.items()): if name != "_cores": value = apply(name, res, threads=threads) if value is not None: resources[name] = value if not isinstance(value, TBDString): # Infer standard resources from eventual human readable forms. infer_resources(name, value, resources) # infer additional resources for mb_item, mib_item in ( ("mem_mb", "mem_mib"), ("disk_mb", "disk_mib"), ): if ( name == mb_item and mib_item not in self.resources.keys() and isinstance(value, int) ): # infer mem_mib (memory in Mebibytes) as additional resource resources[mib_item] = mb_to_mib(value) resources = Resources(fromdict=resources) return resources def expand_group(self, wildcards): """Expand the group given wildcards.""" if callable( item, _ = self.apply_input_function(, wildcards) return item elif isinstance(, str): resolved = apply_wildcards(, wildcards) if resolved != self.workflow.parent_groupids[resolved] = return resolved else: return def expand_conda_env(self, wildcards, params=None, input=None): from snakemake.common import is_local_file from snakemake.sourcecache import SourceFile, infer_source_file from snakemake.deployment.conda import ( is_conda_env_file, CondaEnvFileSpec, CondaEnvNameSpec, ) conda_env = self._conda_env if callable(conda_env): conda_env, _ = self.apply_input_function( conda_env, wildcards=wildcards, params=params, input=input ) if conda_env is None: return None if is_conda_env_file(conda_env): if not isinstance(conda_env, SourceFile): if is_local_file(conda_env) and not os.path.isabs(conda_env): # Conda env file paths are considered to be relative to the directory of the Snakefile # hence we adjust the path accordingly. # This is not necessary in case of receiving a SourceFile. conda_env = self.basedir.join(conda_env) else: # infer source file from unmodified uri or path conda_env = infer_source_file(conda_env) conda_env = CondaEnvFileSpec(conda_env, rule=self) else: conda_env = CondaEnvNameSpec(conda_env) conda_env = conda_env.apply_wildcards(wildcards, self) conda_env.check() return conda_env def is_producer(self, requested_output): """ Returns True if this rule is a producer of the requested output. """ try: for o in self.products(): if o.match(requested_output): return True return False except sre_constants.error as ex: raise IOFileException( f"{ex} in wildcard statement", snakefile=self.snakefile, lineno=self.lineno, ) except ValueError as ex: raise IOFileException(f"{ex}", snakefile=self.snakefile, lineno=self.lineno) def get_wildcards(self, requested_output, wildcards_dict=None): """ Return wildcard dictionary by 1. trying to format the output with the given wildcards and comparing with the requested output 2. matching regular expression output files to the requested concrete ones. Arguments requested_output -- a concrete filepath """ if requested_output is None: return dict() # first try to match the output with the given wildcards if wildcards_dict is not None: if self.wildcard_names <= wildcards_dict.keys(): wildcards_dict = { wildcard: value for wildcard, value in wildcards_dict.items() if wildcard in self.wildcard_names } for o in self.products(): try: applied = o.apply_wildcards(wildcards_dict) # if the output formatted with the wildcards matches the requested output, if applied == requested_output: # we check whether the wildcards satisfy the constraints constraints = o.wildcard_constraints() def check_constraint(wildcard, value): constraint = constraints.get(wildcard) return constraint is None or constraint.match(value) if all( check_constraint(name, value) for name, value in wildcards_dict.items() ): # and then just return the given wildcards_dict limited to the wildcards that are actually used return wildcards_dict except WildcardError: continue bestmatchlen = 0 bestmatch = None for o in self.products(): match = o.match(requested_output) if match: l = self.get_wildcard_len(match.groupdict()) if not bestmatch or bestmatchlen > l: bestmatch = match.groupdict() bestmatchlen = l self.check_wildcards(bestmatch) return bestmatch @staticmethod def get_wildcard_len(wildcards): """ Return the length of the given wildcard values. Arguments wildcards -- a dict of wildcards """ return sum(map(len, wildcards.values())) def __lt__(self, rule): comp =, rule) return comp < 0 def __gt__(self, rule): comp =, rule) return comp > 0 def __str__(self): return def __hash__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Rule): return == and self.output == other.output else: return False
[docs] class Ruleorder:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.order = list()
def add(self, *rulenames): """ Records the order of given rules as rule1 > rule2 > rule3, ... """ self.order.append(list(rulenames)) def compare(self, rule1, rule2): """ Return whether rule2 has a higher priority than rule1. """ if != # try the last clause first, # i.e. clauses added later overwrite those before. for clause in reversed(self.order): try: i = clause.index( j = clause.index( # rules with higher priority should have a smaller index comp = j - i if comp < 0: comp = -1 elif comp > 0: comp = 1 return comp except ValueError: pass # if no ruleorder given, prefer rule without wildcards wildcard_cmp = rule2.has_wildcards() - rule1.has_wildcards() if wildcard_cmp != 0: return wildcard_cmp return 0 def __iter__(self): return self.order.__iter__()
[docs] class RuleProxy:
[docs] def __init__(self, rule): self.rule = rule
@lazy_property def output(self): return self._to_iofile(self.rule.output) @lazy_property def input(self): def modify_callable(item): if is_callable(item): # For callables ensure that the rule's original path modifier is applied as well. def inner(wildcards): return self.rule.apply_path_modifier( item(wildcards), self.rule.input_modifier, property="input" ) return inner else: # For strings, the path modifier has been already applied. return item return InputFiles( toclone=self.rule.input, strip_constraints=True, custom_map=modify_callable ) @lazy_property def params(self): return self.rule.params._clone() @property def benchmark(self): return IOFile(strip_wildcard_constraints(self.rule.benchmark), rule=self.rule) @lazy_property def log(self): return self._to_iofile(self.rule.log) def _to_iofile(self, files): def cleanup(f): prefix = self.rule.workflow.storage_settings.default_storage_prefix # remove constraints and turn this into a plain string cleaned = strip_wildcard_constraints(f) modified_by = get_flag_value(f, PATH_MODIFIER_FLAG) if ( self.rule.workflow.storage_settings.default_storage_provider is not None and f.startswith(prefix) and not is_flagged(f, "local") ): start = len(prefix) + 1 if prefix else 0 cleaned = f.storage_object.query[start:] cleaned = IOFile(cleaned, rule=self.rule) else: cleaned = IOFile(AnnotatedString(cleaned), rule=self.rule) cleaned.clone_storage_object(f) if modified_by is not None: cleaned.flags[PATH_MODIFIER_FLAG] = modified_by return cleaned files = Namedlist(files, custom_map=cleanup) return files