Source code for snakemake.common.configfile

import collections
import json
from pathlib import Path
from snakemake_interface_common.exceptions import WorkflowError

def _load_configfile(configpath_or_obj, filetype="Config"):
    "Tries to load a configfile first as JSON, then as YAML, into a dict."
    import yaml

    if isinstance(configpath_or_obj, str) or isinstance(configpath_or_obj, Path):
        obj = open(configpath_or_obj, encoding="utf-8")
        obj = configpath_or_obj

        with obj as f:
                return json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
            except ValueError:
        # try again
                import yte

                return yte.process_yaml(f, require_use_yte=True)
            except yaml.YAMLError:
                raise WorkflowError(
                    f"{filetype} file is not valid JSON or YAML. "
                    "In case of YAML, make sure to not mix "
                    "whitespace and tab indentation."
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise WorkflowError(f"{filetype} file {configpath_or_obj} not found.")

[docs] def load_configfile(configpath): "Loads a JSON or YAML configfile as a dict, then checks that it's a dict." config = _load_configfile(configpath) if not isinstance(config, dict): raise WorkflowError( "Config file must be given as JSON or YAML with keys at top level." ) return config